Will of Elizabeth Scott

Widow of London

Created 12th oct 1582

In the name of god amen The Twelveth daye of October in the yeare of oure Lorde and Savioure Jesus Christe,One thousande fyve hundrethe fowre score & twoe, and in the fowre and twentithe yeare of the raigne of oure soveraigne Ladye Elizabethe by the grace of god Queene of Englande Fraunce and Irelande defendo’r of the faithe

I Elizabeth Scott of London widowe beinge at this presente in healthe of bodye and sownde of mynde and in good and perfecte memorie and remembrance (Lawde and praise be therefore given to allmightie god) by whose onely mercye and grace I doe make and declare this my presente testament conteyninge herein my laste will in manner and fourme followinge, that is to saye. First callinge to my remembraunce the frayletie of this lyfe And howe certeyne and sure deathe is to mankind And the howre and place thereof moste uncerteyne and unknowne Doe therefore principallye commende my soule into the handes of Allmightie god the ffather the sonne and the holye ghoste three distincte persons and but one onlye god, in whome without all doubt or wavering I do stedfastlye beleve, And doe reste in hope thoroughe the onlye merits precious deathe and resurrection of the seconde person Jesus Christe assuredlye to Life againe and be saved, and to the fruition of the presence of the Deitie with the electe in the kingedome of heaven.

And I committ my bodye to the earthe whiche I will shalbe buried with the parishe Churche of Saincte Margarett Moyles in ffryday Street in London Whereof I am a parishioner So nere the bodye of John Scott my late husbande where it lyeth buried in the same Churche as convenientlye maie be, And (my bodye beinge buried) I will that all suche debts and duties as I doe owe to annye person or persons of righte or in conscience shalbe truelye paide and contented. And concerninge the order and disposition of all my goods, chattalls, plate, ready money jewells, debtes, pecialties and other my moveables whatsoever whereof god hathe made me the Disposer I give and dispose the same in manner and forme followinge, that is to saie, ffyrst

I will and my minde is, that there shalbe a sermonn made at my buriall by maister Prokley(?), and he to have for his paynes at the discression of myne executrixe of this my will.

Also I will that there be made and preached after my buriall within the said Churche nynetene sermons more at suche tymes as to the good discression of my saide executrixe, the said Mr Crowley and of the Overseer of this my will shalbe thoughte convenient

And I give to the preacher of ethe suche sermon so muche moneye as my saide executrix and overseer shall thinke meete.

Item I give and bequeathe to the maintenance of the poore children harbored in Christs hospitall of London sixe poundes thirtene shillinges and fowre pence in moneye.

Item I give and bequeath to the Relief and succor of the poore diseased people in St Barthilmewes hospitall Sixe poundes thirtene shillings and fowre pence in money.

Item I give and bequeathe unto Twentie poore womeny twentie gownes of broade clothe and twentie newe smocks wherein I will theie shall attende on my buriall.

Item I gyve and bequeathe to the Lyverye of the Companye of Salters that shall goe withe my bodye to the buriall the somme of Tenne poundes in money whiche I will shalbe bestowed on a repaste on the daie of my buriall.

Item I give and bequeathe theise blacke fownes and cotes to theise persons hereafter particularly nexte expressed, That is to saie to Mr Alderman Allett and his wiffe, To John Crowche my sonne in Lawe, To my Daughter Johan his wife, To Thomas Pollyn and his wyffe To Margaret Punter To Richard White Servannt of? the saide Thomas Pollin

To eche one of my daughters children and to either of my mayde servanntes that shalbe with me in the daie of my deathe, And

I give and bequeathe to either of the same my maides that shalbe withe me as is aforesaide Twentie shillinges a peece in money.

Item I give and bequeathe to John Crowche sonne to the saide John Crowche my sonne in lawe a bill of Debte of Tenne poundes owinge by Edmond Ancell ffynd whiche was given him by his Grandfather.

Item I give and bequeathe to the now wiffe of the said Thomas Pollyn called Anne in moneye Tenne poundes,

And I give and bequeathe to Thomas Pollyn theire sonne ffyve pounds in moneye.

Item I give and bequeath to Elizabeth Jerkinson(?) a paire of sheetes a Table clothe and a dozine of napkins.

Item I give to Thomas Crowche my saide daughters sonne a silv(?) salte withoute a con(?) percell gilte., three percell gilt goblets, twoe sylver potts all white and half a dozine of silv(?) spoones

Item I gyve and bequeathe to eche of my said Daughters children a greate brasse potte, a table clothe. Twoe dosin of napkins, twoe paire of sheetes and a towel suche as to the discression of my saide Executrix shalbe thought meete.

Item I give to the relief of the poore prisoner within the Comptors(?) in London that is in the pultrye and in WoodStreete lyinge in the place called the holes there, To eyther prison fyve shillings amonge the prisoners aforesaide.

Item I gyve and bequeathe to the relief of the poorest prisoners within the prison howses of Newgate; in Ludgate; the marshallsea; The Kings Benche; the White Lyon and the Compter in Southwark To eche of those Howses fyve shillinges to be distributed in breade accordinge to the good discression of my said Executrixe and Overseer.

Item I give and bequeathe unto my saide Daughter Johane Crouche ffyve hundreth poundes in money To be used comited ymployed and bestowed at her free will and pleasure.

Item I gyve and bequeathe unto and amonge all the children of my daughter Johane Crouche ffyve hundreth poundes in money To be paide and delyvered to the same children When and as theie shall accomplishe and come to theire lawfull ages of one and twentie years porcon and portion lyke. And to be paid and delyvered to the women children as theie shall accomplishe and come to theire lawfull ages or daies of marriage whiche shall firste happen porcion & porcion alyke;

And I will that eche of the same children survivinge and overlyvinge other of theme shall have and enioye the parte and portions of suche of theme as shall dye and departe his life before the Receipt thereof. The residue of all and singular my goods cattalls, plate, jewells, readye money and other my moveables not before given nor bequeathed (after my debtes paide my ffunerall expencs discharged, and this my present testament and last will in all thinges truely pformed in manner and fourme as herein I have willed and devised)

I wholye gyve and bequeathe unto my welbeloved Daughter Johan Crouche before named, whiche Johan of this my laste will and testament I doe ordeyne make and appoint my full and sole Executrix And to see this my will in all thinges truelye perfourmed as herein I have willed and devised. I doe ordeyne constitute and appoint the worshipfull and verye ffreinde Mr Alderman Allett myne Overseer;

And I give and bequeathe to the said Mr Allett four his paynes to be taken in this behalf Three poundes in gold to make him a ringe for a Remembrance.

In Witnes wherof to this my present Testament and Laste will I the above named Elizabeth Scott have sett my seale the daie and yeare firste above written. Sigillat et deliberat in putia mei francist(?) Kydl(?) Scriptor

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