Will of William Keightley

of Royston, Malster

Created 23 Oct 1732

In the name of God Amen I William Keightley of Royston in the Cambridge Malster
being sick in Body but of sound and disposing mind and memory praised be God do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in writing in mannor following that is to say first I recommend my soul into the hands of Almighty God hoping to have free pardon for all my sins and as to my body to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executors herein after named and as to my wordly estate I dispose of as follows

Imprimis I give and devise unto my son Thomas and his heires forever all my copyhold messuages lands And hereditaments whatsoever and wheresoever And also I give and devise unto my son William all my freehold messuages lands and tenements whatsoever and his heirs forever upon condition that they the said Thomas and William do pay or cause to be paid between them two unto Mary my wife ffifteen pounds per annum by half yearly payments during the term of her naturall life And also that they the said Thomas and William do likewise pay yearly and every year quarterly between them two the sume of ffifteen pounds per annum unto my youngest son Joseph for and towards his education and bringing him up and in case my said son Joseph shall arrive(?) to the age of Twenty one year

then my mind and meaning is and I do hereby charge all and singular my lands and tenements above mentioned to be devised unto my said two sons Thomas and William with the payment of Two hundred pounds unto my said son Joseph in mannor following viz: That he the said Thomas shall Pay out of his copyhold lands and tenements so devised as Aforesaid one hundred pounds as part of such legacy(?) and the remaining One hundred pounds to be paid by my son William out of his Ffreeholds Eftate as above devised by me to him

Item I give unto my said wife all the ffurniture as it now stands in my best Room to her and her Executors or Administrators And all the rest residue and Remainder of my personal Eftate I give and devise unto my said two sons Thomas and William they paying there out all my just debts and funeral charges and in case my said personal Estate be not sufficient to defray and pay my just debts and ffunerall charges then I give and devise my said messuages lands and tenements above devised in the first place unto my two friends Richard Ffordham and George Howes and their heirs upon this trust and confidence That they the said Richard Ffordham and George Howes or the Survivor of them shall raise equally out of the Estates of them the said Thomas and William by way of sale or Mortgage or otherwise so much money as shall pay and satisfye all my just debts that my personall estate shall not be sufficient to Satisfye or pay off anything herein before above devised by me to the contrary notwithstanding

And lastly I nominate and appoint them the said Richard Ffordham and George Howes as well Guardians and Trustees to all my said Children as also Executors of this my last will and testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the twenty third day of October and in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven hundred and Thirty Two Wm Keightley Signed Sealed published and declared by the said William Keightley to be his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who have subscribed our names thereto as Witnesses in the said Testators presence R: Lourke Jos: Barnes Edmd. Overall

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