Will of Thomas Edridge, Malster

of Layston (Buntingford), Hertfordshire

Will dated 22-Feb-1709
Will proved 22-Dec-1710


Thomas Edridge

In the Name of God Amen this two and twentieth day of February in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand seven hundred and nine I Thomas Edridge of Lasston in the County of Hertford Malster doe make and Ordaine this my last will and Testament in manner Following First I give unto the poor people in the Towne of Buntingford fifty shillings worth of bread alsoe I give unto Sarah my Loving wife fifty pounds of lawfull money to be paid her

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by my Executors Six months after my decease alsoe I give to my said wife my Silver porringer wash pann and what Tubbs and Barrells she shall have Occasion for alsoe I give unto my Said wife all the rent that shall be due and owing from the Tenent at the time of my decease for the estate which is my wife's Jointure alsoe I give unto my Son Thomas Edrige my Silver Tankard Clock Copper and all my Brewing Vessells alsoe I give unto my Son John Edrige and to my two daughters Elizabeth Edridge and Sarah Edridge two Table Cloaths and twelve napkins a peice alsoe I give unto John Edridge my Son the three hundred pounds he oweth me upon a note in my booke under his hand as alsoe two hundred pounds more of lawfull money to be paid him by my Executor twelve months after my decease as alsoe thrity pounds more of like lawfull money to be likewise paid by my Executor three months after my decease towards the repairing of his house alsoe I give and bequeath unto my Said Son John Edridge and his heires all that my Estate Scituate lying and being in Baldock Clothall and Bigrave or all or any of them which I lately purchased of Mathew Payne my brother in law alsoe I give and bequeath unto my said Son John Edridge and his heires all that my rent charge of Eight pounds a yeare issueing and payable out of a house and Land Scituate and being in Royston now in the Tenure of Thomas Chorowgood or his assignes alsoe I give unto my said Son John Edridge Six paire of midling sheets alsoe I give unto my daughter Elizabeth Edridge Five hundred pounds of lawfull mony to be paid her by my Executor twelve months after my decease as alsoe Six paire of Midling Sheets alsoe I give unto my daughter Sarah Edridge Five hundred pounds of lawfull money to be likewise paid her by my Executor when she shall attaine to the age of one and twenty years or day of Marriage which shall First happen as alsoe Six paire of Midling Sheets alsoe I give unto my Granddaughter Judeth Mascall Fifteen pounds of lawfull money to be paid here by my Executor when she shall Attaine to the age of one and twenty years or day of marriage which shall First happen alsoe I give unto my Cozen John Edridge Son of my late brother Edridge ten pounds of lawfull money to be likewise paid him by my Executor Six months after my decease desiring him to be aiding and assisting to my Children in their Bussiness alsoe I give unto my Son in law John Mascall two Guineas to be paid him by my Executor three months after my decease alsoe I Give unto my loving wife and my Son Thomas Edridge all my household Goods brass pewter and linning Equally between them and to be by them divided (and if it shall happen that my Said wife and Son Thomas Edridge shall

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not agree to live together but part and live Seperate that then I give to my Said wife five Loads of good wood all the rest of my estate both reall and personall not herein particularly mentioned I give and bequeath unto my Said Son Thomas Edridge and his heires who I make Sole Executor of this my last will and Testament revoking all Former wills heretofore by me made In witness whereof I the said Thomas Edridge have to this my will Containing two sheets of paper Sett my hand and Seale the day and yeare First within written Tho: Edridge Signed sealed published and declared in the presence of us Containing two sheets the marke of John South the marke of Edward Thorne Tho: Randall

Probatum fuit huiusmodi Testam[en]tum apud London Coram venerabili D[omi]no Johanne Exton legum doctore surrogato venerabilis et Egregii viri domini Richardi Raines militis legum etiam Doctoris Curiae Praerogative Comtuariensis magistri Custodis Sive Commissarii legitime Constituti ^vicesimo Secundo die mensis decembris anno domini Millesimo Septingentesimo decimo Juramento Thomae Edridge filii dicti defuncti et Executricis in dicto Testamento nominate Cui Commissa fuit administratio omnium et singulorum bonorum Jurium et Creditorium dicti defuncti de bene et fideliter administrando eadem ad Sancta dei evangelia Jurat   Executo

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