St Georges, South Acre

The Church of St George's, South Acre can be found here

King's College Hall
Barkham Memorial

Sir Edward Barkham's will says rather clearly in the second paragraph ....

"My will and mynd is that my bodie shallbee buried within the chappell of the Church of Southacre in the Countie of Norfolk within the vault of the North side of the chancell there which I lately made for that purpose without any name pomp or great solemnitie onely with decency and upon buriall lying as shall seeme best to my Executors"

Well he got his wish in terms of where to be buried but I'm not so sure about the 'solemnitie and pomp' part by 1654 a rather splendid alabaster memorial had been positioned off the aisle of St Georges in South Acre.

Edward rests with Jane, his wife, on the top of the mausoleum while his son's and daughters kneel in prayer on the front edge with the bones of past Barkham's piled high between them.

To the left of the mausoleum on the wall is a memorial in Latin

Hic Lacet
Penelope filia Dni Edvardi
Barkham Baronetti, et Francilcae uxoris
Suae quae quidem Penelope aetate puellula
sed prudentia pietate et vntute matrona
Omnibus satis parentibus nimis at Deo maxime
charaterras reliquit ad nuptias Agni vocata
Ivly 11 1673 Annoq aetatis Suae octavo

which translates to English as

Here lies
Penelope, daughter of Sir Edward
Barkham, Baronet, and of Francis, his wife.
which same Penelope, although indeed only a
little girl's age, had a womanly wisdom, piety and virtue enough for
anyone more than enough for her parents, but chiefly dear to God
she left the earth, called to the wedding of the Lamb on
July 11 1673 and in the eighth year of her age.


Edward & Jane Barkhams mausoleum Sceletons from the past The sons to the right of the memorial Sir Edward Barkham
Sir Robert Barkham Elizabeth, Susan & Margaret Past Barkham's The marvels of Alabaster


Edward & Jane Barkhams mausoleum Elizabeth, Susan & Margaret Top of the memorial
Memorial to the right Sir Edward Barkham Jane Barkham nee Crouch