Historical Antiquities of Hertfordshire


by Sir Henry Chauncy Vol I pages 253 to 260 first published in 1700


THE Saxons in old time erected this Vill in the Fields, above a Mile Distant from Aspeden towards the East, where nothing more now remains than the Church. In Domesdei Book 'tis known by the Name of Icheton, and William the Conqueror granted this Vill in several Parcels to the Bishop of Bayeux, Earl Eustace, Walter Eudo, the Son of Hubert, Peter de Valongies, and Hardwin de Escalers, for I find it there recorded, That

In Edwinestre. In Icheton tenuit Osbertus de Epo. un. hid. Terra est ii car. et dimid. In Dominio est una et duo Villi, cum duobus bordis hent. un. car. et dimid. pot. fieri, ibi i cot. et iv Servi prat. un. car. pastur. ad pec. Silva x porc. val. xl. sol. Quando recepit xxx sol. Tempore Regis Edwardi lx sol. Hanc terram tenuer. iv Sochmanni, unus eorum homo Stigan. Arch, fuit, et ii homines Regis Edwardi, de consuetudine ii denar dedidere, et quartus homo Heraldi, Com. fuit Omnes h. terram vendere potuerunt.

In Icheton ten. Rumoldus de Comite dim. hidam. Terra est un. car. Ibi est un. bord. val. xx sol. Quando recepit xl sol. et consuetudine tempore Regis Edwardi hanc suam terram Godid homo Algari Stalri vendere potuit.

In eadem Villa ten. ii Milites de Comite cxx Acras. Terra est ii bobus, et ibi sunt val. et valuit semper tres sol. hanc terram Godid homo Algari Stalri et vendere potuit.

In Icheton ten. Walterus de Eudone vi Acras. Terra est un. bovi, val. et valuit semper xii denar. hanc terram ten. Aldredus Teignus Regis Edwardi et vendere potuit.

In Edwinestre Hund. in Icheton ten. Humphrieus de Petro dim. hid. Terra est un. car. et ibi est cum ii bordis. Haec terra val. xv sol. Quando recepit x sol. tempore Regis Edwardi xx sol. hanc terram ten. Elmer de Belinton et vendere potuit.

In Edwinestre Hund. In Icheton ten. Tetbaldus de Hardvino v virgat. et vi Acras. Terra est i car. et ibi est cum i villo. et vi bord. et i cot. prat. v bobus pastura ad pecud. val. xv sol. Quando recepit x sol. tempore Regis Edwardi xv sol. hanc terram tenuer. ii Sochi Regis Edwardi, vendere potuerunt, et Vicecomiti iii denar. per an. reddiderunt.

Osbert held of the Bishop of Bayeux one Hide in Icheton, in the Hundred of Edwinestre. The Arable is two Carucates and an half. In Demesne is one and two Villains, with two Bordars, having one Carucate, and half another may be made; there is one Cottager and four Servants; Meadow one Carucate, Common of Pasture for the Cattle, Wood to feed ten Hogs; it is worth forty Shillings by the Year, when he received it thirty Shillings by the Year, in the time of King Edward (the Confessor) sixty Shillings by the Year ; four Socmen held this Land, one of them was a Man (under the Protection) of Stigan the Archbishop, and two Men (under the Protection) of King Edward (the Confessor,) they paid two Pence a Year for Rent; and the fourth was a Man (under the Protection) of Earl Herald, all these might sell their Land.

Rumold held of Earl Eustace half an Hide in Icheton, in the Hundred of Edwinestre, the Arable is one Carucate, there is one Bordar; it is worth twenty Shillings by the Year, when he receiv'd it forty Shillings a Year, and Rent in the time of King Edward (the Confessor) Godid, a Man (under the Protection) of Algar Stalri held this Land and might sell it.

Two Knights held of the Earl twenty Acres in the same Vill, the Arable is two Oxganges, and they are there; it is worth, and always was worth three Shillings a Year; Godid a Man (under the Protection) of Algar Stalri held this Land and might sell it.

Walter de Eudo held six Acres in Icheton, the Arable one Oxgange ; it is worth and always was worth twelve Pence a Year; Aldred a Thane of King Edward (the Confessor) held this Land and might sell it.

Humphrey held of Peter de Valongies half an Hide in Icheton, in the Hundred of Edwinestre; the Arable is one Carucate, and it is there with two Bordars, Meadow to feed two Oxen ; this Land is worth fifteen Shillings by the Year, when he received it ten Shillings a Year, in the time of King Edward (the Confessor) twenty Shillings a Year, Elmer de Belinton held this Land and might sell it.

Telbald held of Hardwin de Scalers five Virgates, and six Acres in Icheton, in the Hundred of Edwinestre, the Arable is one Carucate, and it is there with one Villain, and six Bordars, and one Cottager, Meadow to feed five Oxen, Common of Pasture for the Cattle; it is worth fifteen Shillings by the Year, when he receiv'd it ten Shillings by the Year, in the time of Edward (the Confessor) fifteen Shillings a Year; two Socmen Of King Edward held this Land, they might sell it, and they paid to the Sheriff three Pence a Year.

But this Mannor was then known by the Name of Cornei, for 'tis recorded in Domesdei Book That,

In Edwinestreu Hundred in Cornei, tenet Robertus de Comite Eustachio un. hidam. Terra est un. car. et ibi est cum iv bordis et iv cocar. et i Servo, prat, dimid. car. pastura ad pec. Silva x porc. Int. totum valet, xiii sol. iv Quando recepit x sol. tempore Regis Edwardi xx sol. De hac terra ten. Aluuard homo Heraldi i virgat. et vendere potuit; et Gode homo Regis Edwardi habuit iii virgat. et vendere potuit. De consuetudine reddebat Vicecomiti iii denar. out tertiam partem unius avere.

Robert held of Earl Eustace, one Hide in Cornei, in Edwinestre Hundred ; the Arable is one Carucate, and there are four Bordars, four Cottagers, and one Servant; Meadow half a Carucate, Common of Pasture for the Cattle, Wood to feed ten Hogs; in the whole it is worth thirteen Shillings and four Pence by the Year, when he receiv'd it ten Shillings a Year, in the time of King Edward (the Confessor) twenty Shillings a Year. Alward a Man (under the Protection) of Herald held one Virgate of this Land, and might sell it; and Gode a Man (under the Protection) of King Edward, had three Virgates, and might sell it, he paid three Pence for Rent to the Sheriff, or found the third Part of an Horse.

Shortly after this Vill was call'd Lefstanchirche, and the Mannor was convey'd to Hugh Tricket, who gave to God and the Church of St. Trinity, London, in perpetual Alms, whatsoever he or his Father, or his Predecessors, had in the Church of Lefstanchirche, with all his Land of Cornhee, and he would hold the same of the Canons as they held it of him and his Ancestors,

Afterwards Eustace Earl of Boloigne, Son of King Stephen, confirm'd the Grant made by Hugh Tricket and moreover granted to them all the Land, which was the fourth part of a Knight's Fee, for the Health of the Soul of King Stephen his Father, and the Souls of Queen Maud his Mother, Baldwin his Brother, and Maud his Sister which were buried at the same Church; and at the Request of Hugh he engag'd to the Commons, that he would keep the Agreement, and he warranted the Land against all Men.

King H. III. by Deed dated 8 February, 9 Regni sui, confirm'd the former Grants of the Land of Corney, and the Church of Lefstanchirche given by Hugh Tricket, and also granted that the Prior Convent, and their Successors should have one Market at their Mannor of Corneia on Tuesday in every Week, and one Fair every Year, to continue eight


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